Why did honda stop making the accord coupe?
Why did honda stop making the accord coupe? - 1
Because it sucked
2 door cars are not popular
There's still making
They didn't.
They stopped making it available in certain markets because it was unpopular.
They didn't. It's still being built for the American market.
The Honda Accord coupe will be discontinued for the 2018 model year, mainly due to the fact that the coupe accounted for only about 5% of Accord sales. Very unpopular.
They should make a hatchback or coup deville version
It is always about money
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- Honda' website says the Civic Coupe and Sedan share the same wheelbase. Why is this? I wanted to buy a real coupe? I wanted to buy a real coupe but it seems like Honda is just ripping us off. They take the Civic sedan and turn it into a coupe. I don't know how they do this but they share the same wheelbase. I thought the coop would be much Smaller with a shorter lenght overall. With a smaller wheelbase to give you more of that sporty feel but I feel like I'm just driving a damn sedan. I don't want a sedan! Does this apply for all cars