Why my fuel pump not coming on on my 1996 honda accord?

This problem just recently started happening like 3 days ago I can go and try to start my car and I would have to wait 10 minutes just for my fuel pump to come on but now when I try and start the car the fuel pump doesn't even come on any more please someone help me with this problem

Q is right - probably the fuel pump relay (called a main relay) but it could be the ignition switch. Be aware that when the fuel pump works it only runs for two seconds when the ignition is turned on, while the engine is cranking and for two seconds after that if the engine does not start, and while the engine is running.

Check out the two sources for details and tests. In addition, if the main relay is not working it can often be temporarily jolted into action by slapping the dash on top, in front of the driver, fairly hard.

Well known in the trade for faulty relays and or faulty ignition switch.
Swap out the relay first.
Bolted to the bulk head/firewall up around the steering shaft if I recall right.5 wire multi plug connector.

Your car is old, get a new one or a new fuel meter