Will my overfilled transmission damage my Honda?

We overfilled the transmission fluid about one 1/4 quart of honda synthetic transmission fluid with a little tiny bit of Lucas stop leak. The guy at the auto shop said it was overfilled 1/4 quart of fluid. It's about a centimeter over the top fill line.

Will this damage the car? Is it ok to drive? Is there any way to get a vacula tube or some pump and pull it out. Is there a drain plug on the bottom?

2006 Honda Accord 160K

Yes, a centimeter over the top level of the dipstick is way over the line.

You can use a small tubing and insert it via dipstick hole and use a vacuum pump.
Make sure that engine is not hot or it may melt the tubing that you are using, unless tubes are silicone type that can handle some heat. This is the more convenient way to take out only a small amount.

Yes there's a drain bolt/plug on the bottom, but it is harder to gauge how much you have drained.

Overfilling means extra pressure on seals. Best to ask the guy at the auto shop to drain it to correct level.