Can any well maintained honda last 200,000 miles?

With a 4 cyl and cvt


Almost *any* well maintained car should last over 200k miles.

Whether they do, Honda or not, is another matter entirely. Even Honda builds the occasional lemon: my wife's Honda Jazz (Fit) has been the very worst car we've ever had, even worse than the Fiats and Austin/Rover cars we've had in the past.

My brother's Range Rover, a car with an appalling repitation for reliability, is now 18 years old with over 290k miles, and despite minimal shoestring maintenance has only suffered the occasional very minor fault since he bought it brand new.

It really depends on how it's driven

300 or more

Yes - but that miles puts you in used car lottery territory. Might go well or not and no one without xray eyes could predict the outcome

Mine has 300,000, no problems.

Easily. I had a Prelude with nearly 350k miles before it was ready to retire.

My last 3 Accords went 293k, 199k, and 230k. All were running well but were totalled in accidents. I believe a well-maintained Honda can last 400k or more.

Modern ones, sure. Nearly any car will. My 2002 Prius is at 193K and has had only one actual repair: replacement of the inverter coolant pump. (It still has original brakes.) However, the 6 cylinder Accords with automatic transmissions from 1999-2004 rarely lasted that long. It was just too expensive to keep replacing the transmission.

Most cars will reach 200K miles these days. Older Accords are well known for going 300K+ miles. Newer ones aren't built as well overall, but their engines are just as good. The verdict is still out on CVTs in general. It's a new concept in the auto industry a whole, and many companies are having issues with them. Honda has been selling CVTs since the 1996 Honda Civic HX. Coming from a company with that kind of experience, I would place my bet that this one would be very reliable.