Can I trade in my car if I'm upside down on my loan?

Okay. So I have a 2015 Honda and I'm trying to trade it in for an older van. I owe 13,556 on my Honda (got it only 4 months ago) and its trade in value is around 10,000 or so.
The van I'm trying to purchase is 6900. So is it possible to transfer the remaining 3556 from my Honda loan to the loan for the van? If so, how can I do that?

Maybe you need to talk to the loan company, they have the real answer that counts.

If you have good credit, then yes. But trade-in value is usually lower than what you would get in a private-party transaction. So let's suppose, for example, that you could sell it for 11,566 and borrow 2000 from a family member to pay off the balance. You'd come out ahead that way.

Only if the NADA or Kelly Blue Book retail value of that van is $10,456 or higher. If you find a vehicle that has an average retail price of greater than what is being charged, then that creates equity you can roll into a new loan. So, basically, you need to find a vehicle that on paper looks like it's worth $3,556 more than the retailer is selling it for, which would generally mean finding a vehicle that is in a lot rougher shape than is normal for its year and its mileage. There are car lots that specialize in this, but those same unscrupulous car lots manage to fleece you in the process by delivering you a car that is so much worse that they were able to buy it for a song and so are still making money off you hand-over-fist. They're not being shady for you out of charity.

Sure, if you have decent credit. Of course, that will inflate your payments. But it is possible to do.

If the lender agrees to tack on the van loan to the 3556 remaining loan, then it's fine. But that's doubtful given interest changes and the way lenders keep loans separate. It's better to get a new loan, or a separate lender, for the van.

You may be able to find someone to do it, but it would be rare to loan you more then the vehicle is worth, and that is essentially. What you are trying to do.

No. They aren't going to give you a new loan on the van that's more than the van is worth. You would have to come up with the 3556 to pay off the original loan. You'd be lucky if the dealership would pay off the 10k. It's unlikely they would give you that much for it since they need to make a profit on the resale. It's too early to trade in your car. You might possibly be able to private sale it and then would have to also pay the balance of the loan to give the new owner clear title.

No, they will not roll that much negative equity into a loan of that little value. Sorry kid. Financially, you bit off more than you could chew and now you're choking on it.

Never, ever finance negative equity by rolling it into a new loan. You will be instantly that much more upside down and will never be able to get rid of the vehicle until the loan is practically paid in full. Unless you have the cash to offset the negative equity, don't do it.

This is a really BAD idea, and one that few, if any, reputable loan companies would want to touch.

Frankly, I simply wouldn't do this deal at all, just stay with the Honda and drive it until the loan was paid off. What you want to do is not different from making a pile of cash and setting it on fire.