Can i use stop leak on a honda goldwing?

Can i use stop leak on a honda goldwing?

Sure. Just budget for a complete new cooling system and possibly a new engine when it doesn't work, or works too well.

Why not fix the actual problem? It will likely cost cents on the dollar of a botched snake oil repair.

It is your bike. But the best recourse is to fix the leak properly. Stop leak is a band-aid solution. Spend the money and get the cooling system in your bike fixed properly.

Quote possibly so

I would never use anything in a can to fix a leak. My dad did it once, and I did it once about 10 yrs later. Both times we plugged up radiator passages, probably from improper use. I'll never risk it again.

You can use Stop Leak on your toaster if you wish, but it is not recommended. That stuff is garage and will cause problems to the cooling system of any motor vehicle.

You could but if you like your bike don't! More harm than god would come of using it.

HI Not if it has a big leak.

Now that would really not be a smart move. Even using stop leak in a car is asking to make more trouble.
The proper way to fix a leak is to repair what is leaking!

NO! Absolutely not. Stop Leak is only used in an emergency. Fix the leak and forget Stop Leak.