1999 Honda Civic AC Compressor MPG?

I drive a 99 honda civic with approximately 215K miles on it. I routinely service the vehicle (belts, synthetic oil change, spark plugs, air filter, tire pressure, etc) but have noticed recently that my mpg have decreased only when I use the AC. I always used to notice a 1 MPG loss with heavy AC use (which is normal) but now it is like a 4-5 MPG difference. This has occurred sometime in the last 20K miles. Could the compressor be failing? AC clutch locking up? Freon overcharged? It is not making any strange noises and it sounds normal when the AC cycles on and off. I live in AZ so I use my AC a lot. It still blows cold air as well. If it is the compressor I figure I'll wait until it dies before replacing as that part isn't cheap, but at least I will know what to expect beforehand. If you are a technician please provide your input.

With 215,000 miles it could be something more like lower HP due to lower compression in your cylinders.

Less compression = less torque and HP.

Less torque and HP = more power diverted to run A/C

More power diverted to run A/C and driving habits haven't changed = 10-20% less mpg.

I would get a compression check and work on changing my driving habits. Pet the throttle instead of a steady hold on it. It is called feathering and I have been doing it for so long I don't pay no attention to. People who ride with me notice it though. But I get 25% better mpg even when driving their cars than they do. And on a Toyota Camry like my one friend owns means I can get 42 mpg on trip while he only gets 30 mpg. It takes us both the same amount of time to get to the same destination but he keeps the gas flowing through the engine. I feather the pedal constantly changing fuel flow and allowing it to breathe more.

Do you measure mpg on paper because tankful mpg is not accurate. You use mpg as a measure of mechanical performance not paycheck survival. The a/c uses the vent fan that puts a load on the electrical system. The alternator reduces mpg when running more to charge a weak battery.Auto part stores offer testing for the alternator/battery.Alcohol in gas lowers mpg have you lost your source of pure gas? Bass speakers use battery power and every thump means some peasant was killed to steal their oil.