2002 Toyota Corolla vs 2000 Honda Civic?

Which one should I get and why? I'm planning on getting one of these cars next year when I turn 18 to use just as a daily driver to get me home to school and work and every now and then when I go out with friends. I'm also planning on getting it in white and just put some nice rims on it and maybe some nice speakers. Btw I live in New York City and since insurance will be high for me I'm planning on putting it under my fathers name and also this will be my first car ever thats why I don't know which to pick I also just want the one that has better gas milage.

Added (1). I also want it Automatic.

I think Toyota Corolla is best one for you

2000 Honda Civic

2002 Toyota Corolla

A civic of year 2000 is much better manual.
Even though i like the civic better, for the everyday use that you plan on using it for, id go with the corolla. They are both good on gas, cheap on parts.
The civi is easier to costumize but you already said u only plan on rims n sound system. So id get the corolla.

Really, it comes down to the individual car you can find, make sure it has been well kept and it comes cheap, then one model is as good as the other. Pay cash and go for liability only.

Then, shop around as insurance prices wildly differ.
This is where I go to http://www.comparecheapmotorinsurance.solutionsarticles.com/autocompare.php
or even http://www.comparecheapmotorinsurance.solutionsarticles.com/index.php for another set of quotes.
hope I helped!

Um, neither of them are chick cars. Ignore Sonny, getting a V8 is a bad choice because it will have higher insurance rates and the mpg is terrible. Unless you're compensating for something, avoid any V8 car. And just because the Toyota is newer doesn't mean it's a better car. I suggest going for the one that's in better condition

Either car would be great. But insurance might be higher for the Honda Civic. Save your money on the rims as it's not worth it dressing these cars up. Save your money for something nicer down the road. If you live in NYC, then why do you need a car when the subways are perfect?

One is just as embarasing as the other. Doesn't really matter. A chicks car is a chicks car. Pick the toyota its 2 years newer. Personally i would want a much better car. At least a v/8

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