2016 Honda Civic Coupe LXP not working correctly with bluetooth?

As soon as I got the car today I turned on Bluetooth and it connected no problem, it let me play my music and use navigation through my phone. Now when I plugged my charger into the USB it used that function from their, and when I took it out and went to use the Bluetooth it kept saying "No Bluetooth connected" but in my phone it said it was connected. So when I disconnect it says on the Honda screen "iPhone disconnected" but yet when it's supposedly ON it says nothing is connected

Owners manual

Hi as you had plugged in the iPhone to the usb socket first it has assumed you wanted to connect it up that way.

The charger is a cheap POS and blew the fuse for the socket.

When you connected the USB cable the car thought you were going to use the USB connection for music not bluetooth. If you liked the way it worked initially here's what you do - instead of using the USB port in the car to charge your phone, use the 12V power plug, then your car will be connected to the system via bluetooth only - problem solved. My Hyundai works the same way