Am I right in this argument?

I told my parents to get a normal, average car. Like a honda civic or a toyota. Something that blends in.

Because when my parents come to pick me up from school it's either in a white van (which people give me dirty looks going into)

A car from 1995 that's maroon with paint chipping off and with a huge sign that says "mom's taxi" So embarassing…

Or a truck filled with garbage because my dad's a scrapper.

I get bullied a lot at school and I told my parents to try and get a normal car.

Because it's really embarassing and people call me out on it.

My parents refuse to get another car. Am I right? Should my parents get a new car

Added (1). It's not the fact that it's an old car. If it was in better condition it would be pretty nice.

Added (2). Geez, I just want to blend in and have at least attention drawn to me as possible. My parents make that kinda hard

I think your parents should drop you off at the land fill

You need to get a job and buy them a better car if it means that much to you. Or have them pick you up a block or so from school.

I'm a millionaire and until very recently, I drove a 94 model car. I don't have kids but if I did, Id hope I would have taught them the value of money and they would know that it doesn't grow on trees.

You seem to think it does.

You are 100% wrong.

I just bought a 2012 model but I suspect I will have it for 10-12+ years and you will want a newer one after 4-5 years.

What cars your parents drive is entirely their choice.
Cars and trucks are expensive - maybe they can't afford to get another one?

As a compromise, explain to your mom that the 'taxi' sign is embarrassing, and you're getting bullied because of it. It would be perfectly reasonable to ask her to remove that. Maybe it was funny once - but now it's not. It's immature and rather tacky.

But if you hate them picking you up, couldn't you get the bus, or walk?
If all else fails, you're just going to have to ignore the bullies and refuse to be intimidated by losers like them.

Getting a new car, can get expensive. Though I do understand why you would want that change. Kids usually bully, cause they have nothing better to do, it makes them feel better. (A bit off subject) I've been teased about my hair, but I never thought of them as insults, I took them as compliments. Don't take bullies seriously, ok? Find a bright side. There can be many reasons for why they don't want to get a new car, so it's hard to determine who's right, and who's wrong.

Your parents don't need a new car, they need a new kid!

You told your parents to get a nw car? Wow. That takes a pair. Why should your parents care what kind of car you think they should drive? Sounds ike the cars they have are paid off. You know what's better than having a car payment? Not having one.

No you are totally wrong. It's just a shame that you can't see it.

No. Either ask your parents to buy you a decent second hand bike or ask them to drop you off and pick you up a mile away from school where no one will see what they drive. Other than that get the bus

NO you are not. Your parents drive what they can afford.

It might be nice if they did but you really can't control what they get

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