Are Honda's expensive to insure?

I'm looking at 1990 s Honda Civic SI Hatchbacks, and preludes their all around 1k-5k. People have told me their expensive to insure but i'm not sure that s true.
Please help!

Added (1). i'm looking at 1990s Honda Civic SI Hatchbacks, and preludes their all around 1k-5k. People have told me their expensive to insure but i'm not sure that s true.

Hi yes it will here in the united kingdom as it is a sports hatch back what do you expect being a young teen would also be my best guess.
too many before you have wrapped them around trees off road. So now insurance is expensive.

Where are you and how old? How long have you been driving and what no claims have you?
Not enough information here. Fit me no it would be cheap to insure.

I'm only a 17 year old guy and been driving for about 2 years now. If i were to get any of these cars they'd be on my moms or dads insurance. Both of them are around 50-56.