Can i get an auto loan for a car on craigslist?

So i have bank of america and i want to get a 2000 honda civic ex sedan. Would they give me a loan? How would it work if i can get a loan?

Try google it also

You can get a personal loan for it provided you have a good credit history and a stable income. Why do you need a loan? A 14-year-old Honda Civic shouldn't cost that much.

You could get a loan, but it would be an unsecured personal loan, not a car loan. So instead of paying 3-7% interest, you would be paying 15-20%. Car loans typically have to be for cars under 10 years old.

Not on a 14 year old car. Most lenders have a minimum loan amount and have model year and mileage requirements for auto loans. You might be able to get a personal loan, but the interest rate would be much higher.

Mark you are in correct, you get a personal loan with the option to have your back inspect, have done it several times with wells fargo.

Probably not

Unless its a car from a dealer who finances and is advertising on Craigslist, or the car is still being paid on, and you can transfer the title and payments over to you through the finance company.


BAC has a minimum car loan of $7500.

Some lenders won't allow private party buys others will

I suspect you don't have the needed job or credit for a car loan or a personal loan.

Could you rephrase the question please? I don't understand your word choices…

Nope. NO bank will write a car loan for purchase thru private party.

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