Can I still graduate highschool in time or may I have to stay in highschool for an extra year?

So the school year just started and I'm supposed to be a junior, class of 2021, however my student profile says I'm still currently a sophomore most likely because I failed about 3 classes in my sophomore year due to some regretful, idiotic decisions I've made. Assuming I pass my junior level classes this year and make up all the missing credits from failed classes from sophomore year via summer school, will I be moved up to be a senior next school year or will I be classified as a junior but still graduate on time with my suppose-to-be senior peers. I'm sort of panicking because of the situation I put myself in and don't want to be recognized as the stereotypical "21 year old pothead, Honda Civic driver still in highschool" guy. Any input would be highly appreciated.

This is something to ask your guidance counselor. You can get accurate answers and plan for what you need to do. Different states have different requirements for graduation.

If you make up all your missing credits, then yes you can graduate on time. But if it requires you spend an extra year, don't fret. The goal is to get a good education. Best wishes.

Only your school can tell you your options. Then you sit down with your parents and figure out what option is best for you. Our school district has very few summer classes offered. So where and how do you make up the specific classes you failed?

Staying in HS an extra semester or year doesn't mean you can't go on to college or get a good two year career or trade program at your community college

You will have to talk with a principal or counselor about this. This really depends on the school and the situation.