Can someone track my car down?

Can someone track my car down?

Added (1). Hi everyone,

A just recently bought a new car, 2015 Honda Civic SI Coupe to be exact. Yesterday at work, I notice a group of people roughly around my age 22ish that were circling around my car 6 times. I notice their heads turned and face my car 2-3 times every single time they passed my car from both sides of the parking lot. I also notice one person writing something down, or was looking down every single time they passed. What exactly can they do with my license plate #?

Added (2). I*

Unless they know someone that works for the DMV or police, they can't connect your license number to you personally. Although it does seem a bit suspicious, maybe they were just admiring your new car. The new Civic SI is a very attractive car and maybe these guys had never seen one before up close. (Does your car have an anti-theft system?)