Car problems- is it battery or alternator or both?

Car does not have enough juice to crank. Everything turns on but only clicking noise. I get a jump and it is fine for a few days.

Yesterday radio starts turning off and on. Today the air conditioner (on full blast) increases power when I accelerate.

Notes: 2003 Honda Civic 4 door LX 5 speed manual trans 1.7 L

You won't know until you get the battery, alternator and belt checked out. Have the battery load tested, check the tension on the belt, and check the voltage output of the alternator at idle (for at least 13.8v)

If you have a voltmeter - Just read across the battery terminals - Should read about 14 volts - and revving the engine should raise it if the alternator is working ok.

Seems to me to be combination of bad battery or corroded connections, and voltage regulator. Increased A/C speed w/ engine speed increase shows alternator un-regulated. Should put out 14.8V or so w/ low battery, and 12.5-13V w/ charged battery. Clean and tighten both ends of both pos. And neg. Cables. Have battery load-tested, if fails, replace. Check alternator output w/ voltmeter. If exceeds 16V, replace voltage regulator (if separate) or alternator (if internally regulated) Good luck

It is a charging system problem for sure. The most possibility is the alternator. Anothere possibility is charging cable and a fuse.