Check engine light not going off on my 97 Honda Civic even after fixing problem?

Cranking and starting my Civic made the check engine light come on and sputter and idle real bad.

Figured it might be a bad fuel filter so I changed the thing and now it runs smoothly again but that check engine light is still on.

Can there still a problem? Do i need to reset something to make the light go off?

You need to get a free code reading at a local auto parts store rather than wildly guessing at what might be wrong.

Maybe something else is wrong.

Dear incompetent. Learn to keyword search with Google or another internet search engine. It ain't exactly rocket science and this took less than 10 seconds to find:

It is ENTIRELY likely that there was more than one problem. In fact it is COMMON for some problems to mask others.
In your case, you have NO IDEA if the reason the light came on in the first place has anything to do with the fuel filter.
Before you do ANYTHING ELSE, you should have the code(s) read. If they indicate changing the fuel filter could be the cause, have it reset and see if the code returns.

You need to pull the OBD2 trouble code to see where the problem/problems are. The light won't go off because there's still a problem.

You need a diagnostic device to instruct the CPU to put the light out.

You have to plug in a scanning tool called an OBD 2 into your car. Any auto parts store can do this for free. It will give you a code, and also a message for what is wrong. If you look, you may find on YouTube a way to check it without the scan tool, I found it for my car.

Take the battery cables off the battery and hold them together for a minute to clear all the codes in the computer. If the light comes back on you need to read the codes and fix the problem.
Only use NGK or Denso spark plugs in your motor.
Have you had the valves adjusted every 60,000 miles? All Honda's develop tight valves and need the valves adjusted every 60,000 miles. It's a common issue with all Honda motors.

It wasn't the fuel filter. It is either electrical or oil pressure in nature. The bike does not care if you get no fuel… Or the carbs are not balanced.

That is why you pay the bike mechanics to fix it.

It doesn't matter