Dead battery or what? 2014 Honda Civic?

About a week ago I tried to start my car. It had been sitting for 4 hours since the last time I used it. The car would not start. There was a fast clicking noise, all the lights inside turned on and the dashboard lights did too. Afternoon jumpstartumg the car, it finally turned on. I was good the car was driving around for about another week just fine. At times I would noticed it was sluggish to turn on but it would.
Today I went a little further, I would say about a 45 min drive. I parked, came back 30 min later and turned the key to struggle but it turned on. I had a feeling once I would turn it off it was not going to start again. Therefore, I went home. Once I got home my assumption was correct. The car did not turn on after that 45 min drive back home.
I took the car to autozone got the battery, alternator and started checked and all 3 passed. No corrosion on the terminals. I even changed the positive terminal, it's brand new.
I don't know if jumpstarting has any effect on the result I was given at autozone. Does anyone know what this could be?

Classic symptoms of a tired old battery. The people at Autozone often do not know how to properly use their test equipment. If your car has the original battery it is failing just about when it should and it's time for a new one.

IMO, either a battery on it's way out, or bad/dirty/loose cable connections at the battery. If there's crusty, nasty mess on the cable connections, clean them up thoroughly,. Not just on the outside, but on the inside of the connection also.

Replace the battery. Go to a real mechanic and get the alternator checked with a scanner. The alternator on these new cars are PCM controlled. Mechanic will check if the PCM is getting good inputs and providing inputs to the alternator.

All those clues over the days and you pushed it until it was done. Yes the battery is dead.

You need a new battery, regardless of what AutoZone said.

They need to load test the battery to see how good or bad it is.

If the connection to the Battery is Clean and Tight there can be only one reason: The Ground Wire to the Engine is not Clean and Tight. It may bolt up to the Transaxle Bellhousing. Just follow the Fat Wire off the Battery.