Does the 2013 honda civic have a timing belt or chain?

Does the 2013 honda civic have a timing belt or chain?

@Terrence B: Do not know who gave you a thumb down. This is what I've found on the Net:

"If I remember correctly, all Civic models from 2006 on have a timing chain. Pre-2006, it's a belt… Except for the 7th-gen (2001-05) Si hatchback which had a chain.

This is corrected information as I checked on Techinfo actually says that the "3-door" Civic had a chain from '01 to '05. I'm assuming all "3-doors" were Si's."

James M. This isn't the D and B-Series engine era. All Civics after 2005 have timing chains. Heck, back in 2002 Civic Si with the K Series engine even had a timing chain. Most manufacturers have gone back to timing chains due to them being practically maintenance-free.

Not sure what the thumbs down is for but call a Honda dealer and you'll see that I'm right.

@liverhuuyen… You're correct. The only hatchbacks offered here in North America were "Si's" for that vintage

Terrence B is right. 2006 and up Honda Civics have a cam chain and do not use a belt. Your 2013 has the chain which should last the life of the engine if you change the oil/filter as outlined in your owners manual and use the correct weight oil.

Just look at the motor on the side with the drive belts. If the area behind the belts is plastic you have a timing belt. If it's metal it has a timing chain. Now you know you don't need any information about a motor to know what drives the camshafts.