Does torque affect 0-60 time in equal weight cars?

I'm looking at a Chevrolet cobalt ss supercharged that makes 205 horsepower and 200 lb/ft and it weighs 3000 pounds. Would it be faster than my friends Honda Civic Si which makes 200 horsepower and 140 lb/ft of torque and weighs 2900 pounds? What exactly does torque do? People have told me it's low end power.

Torque gets you off the line, HP gets you to top speed, basically. Quit worrying about whose is faster, or just race. You could also grow up.

Torque is not power.
Torque is the twisting force applied to whatever is being measured.
Power is the ability to do work.
Power without torque would mean the car would not even move,
Typically peak torque is produced lower in the rev range of the engine that the power which tends to be up nearer to the engine maximum speed (red line)
Most often the best performance, including acceleration is found by keeping the engine spinning between the maximum torque revs and the maximum power revs by changing gears at the correct time to do so.

Unfortunately it is impossible to judge between the 2 cars you mention with any certainty as the revs that the maximums are important as is the amount of traction gained by the drive tyres and of course driver skill. It is likely though that the one with the higher figures will be a little faster in acceleration despite the extra weight. The difference will though be so small that it could only be seen in a drag race between the two. On the road in normal use it will be unlikely to be noticeable.

The torque figure is far more important than the bhp figure… The torque is how an engine pulls… My car has only 156 bhp. The torque is 400lbs… This means .it pulls like a train with very little effort… I have had hundreds of cars… And have driven far more than that… Best car i ever drove for pure fun… GOLF GTI MK1… Very light. Only 110 bhp not much more lbs per ft torque… But it was a little flying machine .floor it in 4th gear at 20 and it disappeared… When you look at your two cars the chev should be faster .lot more torque .very little hp difference and equal weight

Torque is the power it takes to turn the gears.

Torque is the power it takes to turn the gears.

Torque is the power it takes to turn the gears.

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