Freaking speed bump screwed up my car?

So i drove into my neighborhood last night and completely bottomed out going over some new speed bump that they just put in that wasn't even labeled. The posted speed limit is a ridiculous 15 mph but no sane person would go that speed since the road is completely flat and straight (or used to be), so 40 is much more appropriate. I drive a honda civic that i put a lot of money into upgrading and this completely smushed my brand new muffler. I'm not even sure what other damage may have been caused because it hit very hard. Who can i get to pay for this because i'm sure not?

So you were breaking the law by speeding, damaged your car by not following the law and want someone else to fix your car.

LOL, feel free to try to sue the city.

If you don't pay for a new muffler, you'll probably end up with a ticket for a noise violation.

Your suspension must be off and you should have driven slower than the speed limit if you cared about your vehicle and knew how to drive. I don't feel bad for you at all. Those speed bumps save childrens' lives.

YOU were speeding.
YOU ran over the speed bump
YOU were negligent.
YOU are the only one responsible for the damages on YOUR car.

You can file an insurance claim. Whether they pay it or not, since it sounds like you admit you were speeding, is up to them. Plus, I'm guessing you have a deductible.

As it stands, the speed limit it 15. Appropriate or not, you are required to be at or under this limit. Damage you sustain while speeding (especially if it was 25 miles over the limit) is your liability.

Now, if the speed bump was improperly installed or if there was not an adequate study of traffic needs, then you can challenge the city (or whoever is responsible for this particular road). This won't get you reimbursement (at least not initially), but could get the speed bump reshaped.

The lack of signage is not sufficient, as long as there was a posted speed limit.

Looks like, if you like your car, you will have to pay to get it fixed. You could get a lawyer and try to go after the city for being ridiculous," but that's really not likely to yield you anything but a lawyer's bill that far exceeds the cost to just repair your car.

You pay for it. No one else is responsible because you went over the posted speed limit.
The speed limit is there for a reason. 40 thru a residential area is insane

Boo hoo. Maybe you should have went the posted limit and you wouldn't have damaged your precious Honda.

Everyone knows the only reason speed bumps exist is not to save lives. But bc the dems (aka commies) put them there to limit our GOD GIVEN FREEDOM.

rent a backhoe and just dig the thing out. Buddy a mine did that one time. Show them dems who's in charge

Don't admit to going 40 admit to be going 30 its the legal limit in a residents take a picture if it being un labeled call the city in your county your insurance and they will have to pay call a lawyer he will be glad in helping sue the city for damages and next time drive more cautious