Honda Civic 1992 hatchback awd conversion?

I'm 16 years old, I own a Honda Civic 1992 hatchback, it currently has a d15b7 motor. I'm about to start working a part time with my father and I'm very interested in converting my Honda into an awd, I know it's expensive but I want to do it step by step. So I would like a list of what I need to make this possible.

If you were an experienced custom car fabricator with a huge budget no problem, but as a 16 year old that just is not going to happen. Not to be rude, you just don't have the skills to create something that extreme, if you need a list you just don't have the skills. Most likely you don't have the tools, you would be a lift, welding equipment, this is not like bolting a rear spoiler on the back hatch. It would never be worth the money would spend, not on a 24 year old Civic when you could just go buy a newer CR-V. I doubt your dad is going to front you like $40,000 for this.

Teen dreams are awesome, but you gotta get a dream that has a good chance of being possible.

I guess it's possible because that era was available as 4WD, well in Japan anyway. So the parts do exist that should pretty much just bolt in.

But finding a them, or a donor vehicle could be a problem if the AWD was never sold where you live.

Just buy one they were all over the place back then.

Take 1 arc floor pan complete with power train electrics etc. Cut body from Honda and weld to Subaru part.

They made a 4wd civic for the American was called the shuttle… They did not make a 4wd hatchback or saloon back then

First you start off with about 5 grand or more and find a all wheel drive parts car. Or you take that 5 grand and buy a all wheel drive car