Honda Civic 2001 DX Coupe ignition key?

I recently had a break-in on my vehicle which is a Honda Civic 2001 DX Coupe and they broke the plastic cover on it. They were obviously trying to steal the whole vehicle and fail miserably since my dog woke me up and the police apprehended the suspect.

Long story short, since they were messing with it, I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with the ignition/key area because my key won't start the car. It's locked and there's a tiny little orange light where the key goes in. I'm no expert, but before I take it to the shop tomorrow I wanna know if there's a way to drive it instead of paying to get it towed.

If any of the repliers have other questions I will reply as a comment on your comment/post.

It could have one of those immobilizers in it. When a thief tamper with the ignition, it trips the immobilizer, which basically turns the starter off, so it can't be driven away. If this is the case, you'll have to get it towed to a shop to have the immobilizer reset. Usually only honda dealers and honda authorized shops can do thisnwork