Honda Civic 2006 Ex rear seat removal?

I have a 2006 Honda civic ex and I have a problem that just leads to another. Hopefully I can get some answers. My poblem is that i need to replace the rear struts on my car but in order to do so i need to open the trunk to get to the bolts, the thing is that my trunk won't open. I want to know how can i fold the seats down from inside the car so i can open the trunk? When i push the button on the key to open the car all i hear is a clicking sound but nothing happens. The trunk door does not have a key cylinder and the lever on the driver side won't help eaither so my only solution would be to fold the seats down or unscrew some bolts to take the seats off BUT from inside the car. I managed to get the bottom part (what you sit on) off pretty easy i just have to take off the part where you lean on (where you put your back against) There are so many bolts that i don't know which ones are for what so i don't want to unscrew something that i don't have to. My last option would be to take the car to the Honda dealership which i really don't want to do because they told me they would probably have to break something in order to get to the trunk so that would cost me a lot of money. I really hope i can find an easy way so i can replace my very worn out struts.

Go to youtube. They have a lot of videos showing how to remove the back seats. It is actually fairly easy.

Usually the back part of the rear seat has like a thick wire strap loop or a flat metal strap going down from two places take the two bolts out of them (may have seat belts bolted to it too) pull up off the studs if it is nuts not bolts and lift straight up to unhook the upper back part of the seat from the body. Could be a little different on some cars but same basic principle. Once you get the back seat off look for a pull strap on the trunk lock or a way to trip the latch or may be a slot in center of latch you can place a standard screw driver and turn a little to unlatch but if all else fails unbolt the latch then look to repair the latch

Did you ever figure it out cause I'm going through the same thing