How insanely high do you think my insurance will be?

I have 2 speeding tickets(8 points on my license) I have learned my lesson finally but I know that won't change anything. But I'm gonn get my own car next week and I'm thinking about getting a 2005 Honda Civic coupe with 90k on it (salvage title if that matters) I know my insurance is going to be high so how much higher will it be if I get that coupe? Do you think I will be able to pay it with a part time job. That would be my only thing I have to pay besides gas. About how much do yall think I'd be paying a month?

I'm 17 btw about to be 18

Salvage title? Better make sure you can find an insurance company that'll insure that vehicle before you purchase it.

My guess is that you are probably stuck riding a bicycle for the next several years.

You can expect the insurance agent to tell you to bend over as you're about to get ******.
Can you pay it with a part time job? I doubt it. I wouldn't be surprised if the provider wants 500 bucks (or more) a month. Under 18 with two excessive speed violations, you are extremely high risk.

You better get a full time job. You're going to need it. With your age and the tickets it will be expensive. That's assuming you find an insurance company that will insure a salvage titled car. The only way to know is to call them.

500? I'm 17 about to get a 2015 jag and i'm looking around 600 a month. Even though your car is much lower its salvaged and you have points, so expect it to be around the same range. Get a full time job and obey the law.

BEFORE, you buy this car, call your insurance company and ask them, how much?

Paying cash or are you financing this Honda? If cash, only need liability, but if financing, you need full coverage, so the cost will be DOUBLE.

Also, most insurance companies will not insure a salvage vehicle for collision and comprehensive, or, if they do, and it totaled or stolen, they are worth (1/2) the value, since they are salvage to begin with.

All tickets and accidents stay on your record for 3 years, before it drops off.

17 years old, working PT, my guess the cost will be more than you make working PT.

Since you are 17 (minor), you will not be able to get insurance. In addition, who is to know if the insurance company will insure a salvage titled vehicle. CALL YOUR MOMMY and DADDY'S insurance agent, and ask for a quote, under their policy as you being a co-driver. Also, getting a car does not mean get gas for it. It means registration, title, tags, maintenance, etc.

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