How many quarts of oil should I put on my car? Its a 2013 Honda Civic?

How many quarts of oil should I put on my car? Its a 2013 Honda Civic?

Go to this site and down load a free Honda Owner Manual for your car: Save it for future question about what you need to know basically about the car and her features:

The manual should be in the glove box. Have you looked for it? Well, if you can't find it, click on the above link.

"ON" your car? NONE, genius!

3.9 Quarts with oil filter replacement. Who's in the world gave the previous three answers a thumb down? Is there a reason why they desert the rating?

@Merly: Welcome to YA. Read this:

It all depends on what 2013 Honda Civic model you have(Engine Size?)

How many quarts of oil should I put on my car? Its a 2013 Honda Civic?

Every vehicle has a owners manual and that tells you how oil to put into your crankcase. But how oil you put on your car is up to you.