How much gas money needed to drive 2000 miles?

I have a 03 Honda Civic, MPG says 38 highway but new studies say those numbers are not factual.

30 miles per gallon x $3 a gallon x 2000 miles =

PS I only have $350 dollars I don't want to run out halfway there.

Please factor in the Rockie Mountains, and that cheap truck stop gas that you seem to burn through faster than the good stuff

I may not even stay in a hotel just cause I'm too afraid to running out of money

350 divided by 3 = 116 gallons of gas.

30mpg x 116 gallons = 3500 miles.

You should be able to get at least 35mpg average over that kind of trip as long as you drive close to the speed limits and have a car in good mechanical shape.

Gas in NM right now is about $1.85 a gallon. Heck, even Washington D.C. Was under 2 bucks a gallon this last weekend. California is always higher.

You shouldn't have any problems with getting there on $350 bucks as long as you don't have car trouble or want to eat something or want a hotel room or something like that.

2000 miles / 30 mpg = 67 gallons. $3/gallon in California, about $0.50/gallon elsewhere. Gasoline will burn less than $200. Not to mention you will get 5-10% more mileage once you get real gasoline instead of the "fuel" they pump here. Truck Stops pump the same gasoline as any other station. You can also sleep in your car at a Truck Stop, and the ones that have full service restaurants are not expensive.

And gas mileage drops the faster you go, with the square of the speed. If you have less money than time, keep your speed to 55-60 mph and you will be surprised how high mpg you can get.