How to fix a stuck hood on a 2002 Honda Civic?

My uncle went on a business trip and left his car at my house. I forgot to start the car for a few weeks and now the car is no longer starting. So, I tried to open the hood and jump-start the car. However, when I pulled on the hood opener on the driver's side, the hood seemed to be jammed. I need to find a way to get the hood open. If my uncle comes back and finds out that his car isn't working, i'm screwed. So, what should I do?

You need a buddy.(or chicky) to pull on the handle while you push down on the center of the hood about where the latch is and wait till you hear the click of it unlocking. It may take a lunge in your weight onto the hood to do this or NOT. You will figure it out. It will come. Then with the hood open get some grease or vaseline or a fingertip of motor oil and put it on the catch mechanism… So it is lubricated on the hook mechanism and also where it hooks.
Good from now on for another few years.

I smack my hood with my palm while standing at the driver's door and pulling the lever. Works every time.

If you have to ask this you shouldn't be jump starting a moped. Let it alone.

Try one of those boosters that plugs in the lighter socket. You need to have one anyway just in case the future comes with this problem again.

Have someone push up and down on the hood while you pull the release handle.

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