How to start my car with my starter completely dead?

I have a 2007 Honda Civic. I'm sure my starter is completely dead or shot. I just need to start it one more time to get it up to the mechanic. Any tricks or ideas to get it going? I already tried a jump last night to no success. Please let me know!

If it has a manual transmission then you can push start it. If not, try banging on the starter motor with a hammer and then see if it will start. Try it several times.

Tap on the starter with a pipe or hammer to shock it, sometimes it works.

Lol. I already know I can't I'm looking for some one to tell me I CAN, and HOW!

You can't

If it's manual trans, you can push start it. Are you sure it's the starter, and not the starter relay, or a bad wire or cable? Try jumping from pos of battery straight to the big lug on starter relay (the one from which the cable runs to starter). If this won't work, try straight from battery to the lug on starter motor where the fat red cable connects -- to do these jumps, you must have very heavy wire, such as a jumper cable.

Get a new battery. I don't see where a starter on a 2007 car should be bad already. I drive a 1997 Chevy cavalier that still has the original starter in it. Your car will not even start when you have a bad battery.