How to turn off the backup camera on a 2015 Honda Civic?

I take my driver's test tomorrow, and many instructors won't let you use it(New Jersey). My backup plan as of right now is to just tape a piece of thick construction paper over the screen for the parallel parking section, but I'd rather not do that.

Not sure if you can turn it off from the settings, but this is from the owners manual

With Touch Screen:
Changing Camera Settings
Turn the guidelines on or off.
1. From the Home screen, select Settings.
2. Select Camera.
3. Select Rear Camera.
4. Select an option:
Fixed Guidelines: Guidelines appear when you
shift into Reverse.
Dynamic Guidelines: Guidelines move as you turn
the steering wheel.
5. Select On or Off.
6. Press BACK to exit the menu.

I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure you're not the first person to show up to their driving test in a car with a backup camera.