I'm thinking of buying a 2004 Honda Civic with 90k miles for $6000. How are the repairs on this civic?

I know the engine can last over 200000 miles or more but what about other repairs. I'm looking for a car that I can rely on and not spend too much time in the shop. My other option is a 2010 Hyundai Elentera with 43000 miles for $9000. I know the civic has a better resale value, but I'm looking for a car that I can keep the longest with the least repairs. I generally keep a car until I can't use it any longer or it gets to expensive to own.

Don't' buy anything w/o reading CR.


"Consumer Reports is a nonprofit, expert, independent organization" that tests a wide range of products and services in detail and publishes the results in a monthly mag avail @ many bookstores and website; fee for full access.
http://www.vehiclehistory.gov/...index.html title


a 200k engine has been very well maint. Get maint records. They'r best if done by name-brand dealer: honda.