I just bought a 1996 Honda Civic manual with around 180000kms on it. There's a bit of water dripping out of exhaust when car is stationary?

There's no water in oil I just changed it and it was pretty clean. And coolant was low but is fine now. No smoke either and car is sitting halfway on temperature gauge please help?

All cars give off a little bit of water vapor as a product of combustion. When you turn off the engine, the exhaust system cools off, and the water vapor turns back into water.

There's nothing wrong with your car.

Water is a normal byproduct of a gasoline engine. When you turn-on a cold engine, the water vapor from the engine may condense in the 'cold' exhaust system and drip-out. After the exhaust systems warms-up, the vapor from the engine will stay vapor in the exhaust and go out the exhaust as invisible steam…

Drive it around until you get the engine to the middle of the temp gauge. Stop and check the exhaust. Check for water or white smoke. If you do not see anything, your car is fine.

Water vapor is a byproduct of combustion. It condenses and will drip out the exhaust.

No big deal.

Normal. Don't worry about it

That's probably condensation from complete combustion coming out the tail pipe. Have the water pump checked. I expect it to be leaking by now. Make sure your radiator cap holds pressure and keep checking the radiator each morning before starting the car. If it's low after a few days, there's a leak that must be fixed.

Water is one of the major by-products of gasoline combustion
If there's no water coming out of the tailpipe you have serious issues

It's probably condensation. When you burn a litre of gasoline, you create a litre of water. If your exhaust is hot enough it takes the water as vapour, straight out of the tailpipe. If your car is used for short trips, the exhaust won't get hot enough to keep the water vapour in it's gaseous state, and the water will recondense in the exhaust. It will pool in baffles and near the back of the car (the coolest end). Sufficient water will drip out of the end of the exhaust. This water mixed with acidic gases in the exhaust plume, is why mild steel systems tend to rust out from the inside.

Hi so the combustion process produces water as a bi -product. This fact is more evident when the car is stationery and the engine is cold. When it is first started. Also condensation forms in the exhaust system over night when parked. It is this presents of water every night is what rots the inside of the exhaust system. Facts of life with cars. That is why electric cars will see an end to these problems.