I'm looking at modifying my car, any advice please?

My insurance renewal is coming up and I'm thinking of looking for modified car insurance. I have a Honda Civic Type-R GT FN2 and I'm not looking to heavily modify it.

I'm thinking of getting;
A new exhaust
Intake system
MAYBE a remap and spoiler

I'm 23, 4 years no claims and 5 years license held. If you're of similar age and have modified insurance, can you tell me who you insure with and how much your quote is?

Not a good idea

Hi so the insurance company will need to be consulted over the modifications. Failure to do this and get into ban accident could result in a huge fine loss of insurance and even jail.

Advice? Yeah, don't modify it.

Your modifications may increase the value of the car or decrease the value depending on what has been modified. All you can do is call around and ask for quotes.