I was hit by a car and don't know what to do?

I was hit by a car about a week and a half ago the 8th of this month, and I have been waiting for a statement or case report from the police but they are taking their time with my case. I have a case number but is not "merged" in the system so they told me I can't really do anything right now. I don't know if I should call my insurence or call theirs. But I don't know what to say. It's not my fault, the other person had admitted to being his fault. On the scene he gave me his info and the police officer have me his insurence number and car info as well. Do I need a lawyer? I need my car to get to work. I have full coverage for my. It does not start also. My car is a 2014 Honda civic I was hit by a car and don t know what to do - 1

Unless you are in pain, wait for the courts to find him guilty. If you do think you have an injury, DON'T wait - See you doc.

You do not need a lawyer, but you do need to contact your insurer immediately. You should have done so the day of the incident.

Your insurance company will represent all of your interests in this situation, that is their job. You should have no direct contact with the other drive or their insurer, that is the job or your insurer. That's what you pay them to do!

You do not need the police report to file a claim. You should have called your insurance, and if you did, most likely your vehicle would be fixed and your insurance would go after the other guy or his insurance for reimbursement.

When you file a claim, with either yours or the other guys insurance, the adjuster will take a recorded statement from both drivers of the facts of the accident. They would then have you get an estimate of the cost to repair. Only the insurance can deem who is at fault. The insurance will want a copy of the police report, but, they can get started in the process until they get that copy.