Is it hard to learn manual transmission?

I'm 18, been driving a 2004 Honda civic that was auto since I was 17. My dad is getting me the 2008 Nissan 350z nismo and the car that's specifically chosen is a manual. I'm super confused on how to drive manual. Advice please?

I imagine your dad has driven a stick shift so ask him to demonstrate. If not try hard to find someone to teach you. The principles are simple, but crucial.

Easiest thing in the world.
Or the hardest thing you've ever tried.
All depends on your talent level, and how coordinated you are.
Ya let one peddle come up, while pushing the other one down, is all.
Simple right? Yet some people never learn how to do it well.
Don't worry about. You'll be " good enough" to get by.

No. Any idiot who puts his mind to it should be able to pick it up. Once you get the clutch feel and learn to rev match, the rest is history. Ask your dad to teach you since this was his idea, though getting a fast car to learn with is probably not the best idea during the initial stages where your clutch control is poor.

If my wife can be taught to drive a manual, it isn't that hard. I taught her in about an hour.

Clutch engagement from stop to go will probably be the hardest part since most people i know and I read in these forums stall at that point. Switching gears while in motion is no problem, just trying to make the transition smooth takes practice.

It is not too bad. I learned to drive a manual transmission first. I was 5 years old. I was 10 when I learned to drive an automatic. That was really confusing with only two pedals.

Stick shift is not that difficult to learn, but automatics are much less tiring to drive

Hai it always good to learn a motor vehicle on manual transmission. After wards it is very easy to drive any sought of automatic transmission. All the best

I don't believe that you went from driving a honda civic to a nismo. Why would you dad buy you a nismo? He conservatively bought you a civic one year prior? And knowing you do not know how to drive a stick, he is going to buy you a manual sports car? Having a nismo as a first manual is a bad idea. - not that i believe this civic to nismo fairy tale anyway.

It does require a little coordination, but it is not difficult.

When I got my first Drivers license, if you took the test in a car with an automatic transmission you got a restricted license good only for cars with Automatic transmissions. The thinking was that you had not demonstrated the coordination needed to control a car with a manually shifted transmission. I think that is still a logical conclusion

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