My 95 Honda Civic is leaking coolant and running hot after I drive it for 20 minutes?

My 95 Honda Civic is leaking coolant and running hot after I drive it for 20 minutes?

It's running hot because you are losing the coolant. Fix the leak, problem gone. Maybe just a hose leaking or you may need a new radiator.

It has a coolant leak Skippy, find it and fix it or take it to a mechanic. No one here can waive a wand and make it all better.

Of course it's going to run hot if you're leaking coolant. It's a 23 year old car. Radiator hoses are bound to crack or the water pump seals are worn out.

See a mechanic and get the car pressure tested to find out what part is leaking and replace the leaking part. It is most often a bad radiator.

SO have it checked

Could be your heater core leaking, water pump gasket blown, water pump bearings could of fallen out and broke their seal, unfortunately you haven't said where the coolant I'd leaking, wether you have creamy oil, or wether you haven't put the coolant cap on so we need more info to answer