My radio in my car is draining my battery?

I pulled the fuse to the stock amp that is in my car so I could hear the difference in sound with the fuse out. Now that I have taken it out and put it back in I have noticed that my battery will drain in less than 5 minutes if I have my radio on with the engine off. I feel like now I have caused a short of some sort and now its draining my battery. What could I do to solve this and will it be expensive?

Depends on the amp power consumption a 60 amp/hour battery that isn't new may not be able to supply the full power, if you had a short the battery would overheat and you would have a wiring fire and blown fuses

5 minutes? This is a very large drain. Test with an ammeter un series with that fuse that you have pulled. What current flow is being indicated? How many amps is the fuse?

Hmm, thank you! I have never had any issues until I started messing with fuses a couple days ago. So I'm thinking that I messed something up. Battery has never failed me until now.