Does anyone have a roof rack on a small car?

I've got a little Honda civic and was wondering weather I can get a roof rack out on it? Is that possible? I'm clueless when it comes to cars so sorry if this is a stupid question.

Should my Wiring Harness be replaced or repaired for Honda Civic 06?

I started my car up and smoke startes to come out of the steering column. I shut the car off, poped the hood and there was melting wires ill say maybe two of them. My car couldnt drive anymore becaue the car wouldn't read my key so the code got wiped out and my break lights wouldn't work. But! I could still turn my car to the on position and my radio windows still worked fine and i tested this for three days until the shop could see me that following monday. Now this shop near by (independent) is telling me the Whole! Harness has to be replaced. My question for you all is do anyone think i should get a second say on this because i find it really hard to believe all the wires are dmaged/melted granted that it still worked in some areas.

Key thing you all should know: I think what cause this was wires being misplaced or something because the guy I got it from tried to customize the speakers n radio the radio inside isn't stocked

Honda Civic EX 1.8L 2008 w/auto trans and 135k mi. Bad torque converter?

When I arrive to a stop sign it has a hard time downshifting from 2 to 1, I need to give a brake and wait 5 second until I feel or hear a clunk which means it has already in 1rst gear.

Another sympton is vibration it has been increasing these days under normal operation, it is a small vibration like a non balanced wheel. It feels in to the transmission stick.

Based on readings I would like to know if this could be a bad torque converter.

Is it weird to call a Acura tsx a Honda tsx?

I'm a girl and i've been slowly learning about cars and I called a Acura tsx a Honda tsx, and my friend (hes a guy) called me stupid for saying that and made a smart remarked by saying "how about you go buy a acura civic" And then claps. It made me feel embarrassed. So was I wrong?

Added (1). I also admit I'm a noobie at this and don't know much and I already told him that.

Car still overheating at stoplights and coolant full?

Car is still overheating even though the mechanics have changed the radiator, radiator fan, thermostat? I notice the temp goes up when I'm at stoplights waiting but on the fwy, no problem. Also, after they changed the thermostat, the next day in the morning I checked the radiator and the coolant as I was opening it spilled but resovoir is full of coolant and also the radiator? My car is a 2003 Honda civic automatic, 4 cylinder.

How much does it cost for dealer to fix my side passenger mirror?

When backing out of the garage, my sister accidentally yanked the side mirror up a little bit and I'm wondering how much the dealer would charge to close the gap between the arm and the mirror itself. Thanks!

Added (1). The car is a 2012 Honda Civic EX and I'm planning on bringing it to the Honda dealer.

Or if anyone has other recommendations, you are more than welcome to include your input. How much does it cost for dealer to fix my side passenger mirror - 1