Stick shift or automatic?

Ok so I'm getting a 2006 Honda Civic and I'm planing on racing. I'm gonna customize it and everything but I was wondering. Should I get stickshift or automatic. I know that stick is best for racing but I have heard so many bad things about stick like when your stuck in traffic. How long does it take to learn and get used to it. Also I don't have a car to practice stick on so that sucks.

I was hit by a car and don't know what to do?

I was hit by a car about a week and a half ago the 8th of this month, and I have been waiting for a statement or case report from the police but they are taking their time with my case. I have a case number but is not "merged" in the system so they told me I can't really do anything right now. I don't know if I should call my insurence or call theirs. But I don't know what to say. It's not my fault, the other person had admitted to being his fault. On the scene he gave me his info and the police officer have me his insurence number and car info as well. Do I need a lawyer? I need my car to get to work. I have full coverage for my. It does not start also. My car is a 2014 Honda civic I was hit by a car and don t know what to do - 1

MFS: Did I do the right thing? - 1

I was at the bar drinking some coronas watching the COPA America and some mayate wearing the Golden State warriors Jersey comes and demands the channel be changed to the NBA Finals. I stood up and told him this is a Mexican place so no mayates allowed, he threatened to call Jesse Jackson than threatened me. I decided to hit him with a JCC sr left to the body and gave him punching combos like Canelo, then dropped him with a Kovalev style overhand right and finally gave him a flying knee like Makwan Amirkhani style and the mayate was hurt badly. Then I decided to place the corona bottle on the mayates head and gave him the curb stomp Seth Rollins style. He wasn't moving so I got scared so I left, ran into my Honda Civic blasting some Creed.

Who is at fault in this accident?

Last night on my way home for work I noticed a small Honda civic stuck in a ditch along side the road. Being the nice guy I'm I pulled over and asked them if they wanted me to try and pull them out with my truck. Of course they agreed. Anyways I back off the side of the road and maybe left half of one of the front tires on the road. While in the bed of my truck getting my tow straps out I was hit head on by another driver going around 45mph. I don't remember the impact just waking up on the ground in pain. Apparently I flew from the bed and landed on the road. Anyways the ambulance came and took me to the hospital. Turns out that I fractured my skull and needed multiple stitches. I was very fortunate to make it out that easy.
What I was wondering was who should be at fault, I'm getting a lawyer to represent me and I'm sure she will do the same. She received a ticket for improper handling of her vehicle and she admitted in the police report that she saw the truck and headlights. Will they pay for my medical bills, I have insurance but it will still be expensive, at this point I don't know the condition of my truck because It was towed off scene. Anyways I will be missing work too, I was wondering if the could compensate or what the deal with that would be. Doctors orders are that I can't work for at least 2 weeks.
Can someone with a little bit more knowledge help me, I Just turned 18 and still am not a 100% sure how the whole insurance thing works

Title for my car from a different state?

So here s the situation. I purchased a used car for short money a couple days ago through a private sale. The bill of sale told me it was a 1999 Honda civic, however when I run the VIN I come to find out it is actually a 2000. I purchased a report from what I have been told is a reputable vin check website which has told me there's no theft report, lien, or accident reports. It also told me there's a current title in New York state. I purchased the car in New Hampshire, and it even had a nh state inspection sticker for last year with the correct VIN and the mileage marker reads about 3k less than the odometer which seems accurate given that this is a sticker from a little under a year ago. Is this even possible to have it titled in new York but registered in New Hampshire? How may I obtain the title so I can register my new to me car and enjoy the first car I bought with my own money? And believe me, I have learned my lesson, so please no telling me what I did wrong with this purchase and how I could have done it better, I understand that and own the mistake. From now on I will always check the VIN and ask for more documentation than what I received this time around. Please anyone who can lead me in the right direction here pass on any information you can that might be of assistance.

1990 Civic SI CEL code 9?

Lately I have been getting a CEL code 9, No 1 Cylinder Position code. It happens in the morning, before I go to work. It goes on when I put my car into gear and go about 3 feet. If I warm the car up for 5 minutes, it does not go on. I have changed the distributor 3 times, with a used one and a brand new one. Same problem. I checked the wiring, via the Honda manual and the distributor is good and the wiring at the ECU is in the acceptable range using my multimeter. I took it into a repair shop and they checked for vacuum leaks and timing, and they said it was good and recommended that I replace the ECU. I swapped in an ECU from another working Civic SI and it is doing the same exact thing. The car drives fine while the check engine light is on, but it scares me to commute 40 miles to work. It does not go off in the afternoon when the weather is warm. I did notice that my car is rattling a lot, which kind of started around the same time as my issue. Yesterday I changed the oil and while I was under the car I knocked on the catalytic converter. It rattled a lot, and I see that this is what is causing my rattling. I banged on it a lot just to see if it was internal or the heat shield. I believe it is internal. Today when I started the car, the check engine light came on immediately and even after warming up the car and driving it down the block, the CEL would not turn off. The Code 9 was still the only code blinking. Could my catalytic converter be causing my problem?