Ignition relay on a 2006 Honda civic?

Does anyone know where the IGNITION relay on a 2006 Honda civic is located. I've looked it up but the only information I can find is on the main relay, starter relay, and fuel relay.

Alright got a tough one for you financial experts?

Hi so I have had my car loan financed with Honda Financial since october. Its a 6 year term with a 3.49% Interest rate. The balance owed is 23,900 and the value of my car is 17,500. I had about 2,500 in negative equity from my old trade in but other than that the upside down part is how fast a civic depreciates. I didn't know this when i got it, i always thought a Civic would be in high standing for its durability. Anyways my monthly payments are at 420 a month. I would like to bring those down to maybe 350-360? If possible. Anyone have any advice on what to do? Should i refinance? Can i contact my current auto loan provider and ask them? I just don't want to be paying 420 a month for another 5 years… I'm getting married in two months and it would be great if we had a bit more breathing room financially. I have my emergency savings. But i will not touch that for this situation. Basically, with all our bills and expenses at the end of the month we would have about 10 bucks… So… What to do about this auto loan. My fico score is a 731 by the way. Income about 2.2k gross monthly. Yeah… Working for a bank sucks, they pay cheap.

I drive my 2012 Civic Si Coupe kinda hard?

I usually rip it once or twice, or even more a day, sometimes i go past 5000-6000 rpm (8000 redline). Sometimes i jerk shift, sometimes i put too much gas when shifting so i kinda slightly burn the clutch, and i downshift poorly. How long will the car last or certain parts (ex. Engine, clutch, tranny)?

Its a Honda which helps but I'm sure i'm sucking the life out it faster then i should be

Also are Hondas meant to be revved? Because of the vtec technology? I've heard this from a couple people.


Added (1). i sometimes downshift poorly, not all the time, sometimes ill let off the clutch too fast, and ill jerk the car a little

Added (2). BTW, would warranty replace any of these things if something goes horribly wrong from driving hard, because i have warranty on powertrain, engine, etc for like 4 years.

2003 honda civic my 4 speakers suddenly stopped working?

I have a 2003 honda civic and i only had 2 stock front speakers they are working fine i had no problems with them at all, i also have a subwoffer connected with a built-in amplifier. Yestrday i got 2 speakers for thr trunk 6*9 edge they are 300wats peak power is 100w anyways i connected them up. And i i tested it everything worked out fine for a day. Today i was driving and my cd player was on! All the 4 speakers stopped working i don't know why, my subwoffer still works fine and i do get bass, also my radio works perfect all the buttons on it work i just don't know why my speakers worked all of sudden, i checked the connection everything is fine.
The wires i used to connect each speaker is diffrent could that be the problem thanks.

1999 Honda Civic blue exhaust smoke and burning oil?

1999 Honda Civic D15 72k mileage engine is loosing oil after a lengthy drive and also noticed smoke from exhaust, think it is blue. Have a full aftermarket exhaust system with decat on too, could decat be the reason for smoke?

Do you think there's any way I can possibly get my drivers licenses back?

Okay so I got stopped today by a cop for the first time in over a year. I own a 2013 Honda Civic that I finance. He told me my licenses was suspended/revoked because of multiple traffic violations. I have to pay New York State $2,100 just to get that cleared and I have to renew my licenses. The thing is that I'm 22 and I have so many bills that I could possibly never pay off that $2,100 and I must drive back and forth to work so I can support myself. If I go to court do you think the judge could possibly do monthly payments to restore my licenses? Or community service or something. By the way my licenses is based in Connecticut, but all of my tickets are from New York. Thanks for the help people. Money is just so tight

Why would a band join with another company for their tour?

Confused why a famous band would join their tour with another company… Does this signify that they can no longer afford so got another company to sponsor them? Or what… I ask because One Direction just not changed the OTRA tour to join with the Honda Civic tour… Just confused

Can trucks corner better then some cars?

I did a long road trip and I noticed that I could catch some cars in sharp turns, even though they were trying, to go fast. They would then floor it on the flat parts, but I would always catch up to them in the corners.

P.S. I have a 2007 dodge ram 1500 manual

- one car was a Kia Forte
- the other was a Honda Civic