I told my parents to get a normal, average car. Like a honda civic or a toyota. Something that blends in.
Because when my parents come to pick me up from school it's either in a white van (which people give me dirty looks going into)
A car from 1995 that's maroon with paint chipping off and with a huge sign that says "mom's taxi" So embarassing…
Or a truck filled with garbage because my dad's a scrapper.
I get bullied a lot at school and I told my parents to try and get a normal car.
Because it's really embarassing and people call me out on it.
My parents refuse to get another car. Am I right? Should my parents get a new car
Added (1). It's not the fact that it's an old car. If it was in better condition it would be pretty nice.
Added (2). Geez, I just want to blend in and have at least attention drawn to me as possible. My parents make that kinda hard