Problem with o2 sensors in my Honda. Any opinions?

I have a 2005 Honda civic ex
I've failed emissions twice because of my o2 sensors not being able to connect to the fuse without shutting down my car. Has anyone ever heard of this happening before? I was told by a cop that it was illegally sold to me If this is the case. No one seems to know exactly what to do or even want to Deal with it.

See a mechanic to look for the short. It is likely the 2 heater wires for the sensor. The two wires will be the same color (usually black). Trace both wires and see if the wire that goes to the fuse is shorting to ground (touching a ground wire or body ground). The O2 sensor itself could be shorted. Replace the O2 sensor first and see if the short goes away.

Not quite sure what you are writing about… Most of those sensors have an electrical wire attached to them… If they have a fuse, then maybe the fuse in there for the sensor is not the right amps or there's a short in the wiring or? You may have to have a mechanic look at it

Not being able to hook up the the fuse?! WTF are you talking about? Find a good mechanic to check out that POS and find out what's going on.