Stepdad has a really embarassing car?

Hi i'm 13 and my stepdad has a 2007 silver honda civic. He has to take me to school at least twice a week and its really emarassing. Can someone please help me feel better about it?

Take the bus then.

Walk to school and grow up.

At least it's not a PT Cruiser.

Put a brown paper bag over your head when travelling in it.

Walk your behind to school.

Be glad he can afford a car and you don't have to walk

Walk you ungrateful brat.

Why is that car embarrassing?

It's just a normal car. It's neither loud nor quiet in terms of image or styling, and there are lots of them out there.

When I was younger my dad worked at a paper producing factory and drove a beat up old clunker van that used to be a service van for Sears company. Kids at school used to call it the "paper pad van". I had to deal with that for several years. Bothered me then but didn't mean anything at all a few years down the road.

Try biking 15 miles each way, year round down to -20F, rain, snow, or shine.

Do you show up wet down to your underwear at 8am and dry out just in time to ride back for an hour in 34F downpour?

I wasn't embarrassed, I saved up a ton of money, but pretty sure that doing that for a year or two would change your perspective.