Stick shift or automatic?

Ok so I'm getting a 2006 Honda Civic and I'm planing on racing. I'm gonna customize it and everything but I was wondering. Should I get stickshift or automatic. I know that stick is best for racing but I have heard so many bad things about stick like when your stuck in traffic. How long does it take to learn and get used to it. Also I don't have a car to practice stick on so that sucks.

Stick is the way to go for having fun on the track. You will appreciate having control on torque once you get on the track. Especially for a small car like a civic.

And I've never had any problems driving a stick in bumper to bumper traffic.

Actually I've always wanted to learn stick also. But with turbo, superchargers available today I don't think an auto will hold up while many after market are for manual transmissions only. Hey, go out and buy a cheap stick to learn. I plan on doing it in the near future.

I love racing a stick shift, but it sux in stop and go, or the hills of SanFrancisco make driving a chore.

Street racing is ILLEGAL. Move along skippy.

Stick shift you get the most control but hey i'm somebody who drives a Hyundai sonata 2.4L automatic but I still race! And I win. I have a transaxle you can go into manual mode without the clutch at a stop rev the engine to 3-4thousand RPMS and slam the brake off and floor it, of course do it on the track. I can't recommend doing something illegal just watch for cops if they see those tires spinning with smoke you got yourself a street racing ticket and they are pricey, or just race yourself.

Any reasonably priced enthusiast car generally goes best with a manual transmission. Budget a month for learning. As for all the disadvantages, at the end of the day they are minor inconveniences. As for buying a Civic and modifying it - don't. Torque steer effectively limits how much power you can have while keeping the car drivable. The body kits are disgusting and the end of the day the Civic is an economy car. The only Honda with any real racing credentials is the S2000.

Manual cars are using in car races. Automatic shift is not possible get good torque in race