What does shifting into L or S do?

I have a 2015 Honda Civic and I was wondering what shifting into "S" and shifting into "L" meant. It's right below the "D" for drive.

L is for low gear. S is for second gear.

If you are driving down a very steep hill, you can shift into (S)econd gear for improved engine braking. This will allow you to save your service brake (pedal), and prevent the brakes from overheating and fading.

In really extreme downhill driving, use (L)ow gear.

Don't forget to put it back into (D)rive when you get off the mountain.

If you don't drive in the mountains, forget that S and L exist. You can drive your whole life and never need them.

They are basically limiters. L is for low gear which is 1st Gear, S is for 2nd Gear.
When in 1st gear, your transmission will not shift regardless. You can use it for climbing a steep hill, low gear has high torque but low speed, you can also use it to slow you down going down hill to serve as a brake assist or also called engine brake.
When in 2nd gear, your transmission will start on 1st, then automatically shift to 2nd according to the speed, then back to 1st when you slow down. But it is limited to that gear. It has the same effect as the first gear but not as much.

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