What is a good, safe first car for roughly $4,000 or less?

I'm looking to get my first car in about 2 months after having my license for a year and not having a car yet. I will finally have enough for a $4,000 car plus the cost of insurance/registration/fees/taxes. I'm looking for one that is for sure a safe one (which is my number 1 priority with being a new driver) and 2, that is decently reliable and should last a good 3-4 years, before I hope to be able to make enough working where I can afford a 1 or 2 year old Honda Civic (drive that one until it no longer is worth the cost of repairs).

I live in Wisconsin.

Go down to your library, get the current copy of Consumers Reports buying guide and check in the car section. They have a list of recommended used vehicles to consider for various budgets.