When i turn the key on my 08 honda civic it just clicks but i let my battery charge all day. Any solutions?

When i turn the key on my 08 honda civic it just clicks but i let my battery charge all day. Any solutions?

Solutions? OK. First of all, this in the Honda section, not "honda." Please capitalize the brand and model names of cars much like you name is Tyler Dean and not "tyler dean." Third grade grammar lessons covered this requirement. Same for the pronoun, I. I can't see the attraction of writing incorrectly for convenience. Since you know about batteries let me address the battery in your smartphone. What happens when the battery runs down? Yes, you charge it. Next, what do you know about the structure of batteries? The one in your phone is tiny, has no liquid and has materials that are excited by the charging device to "store" power. Agreed? The 12 volt battery in all cars is a different animal. It is ancient technology even with the modern materials and manufacturing process. There are plates inside each cell that sacrifice, that donate, electrons. There's an acid solution, sulfuric acid, if I remember correctly, that facilitates the "storage" of electrons. So far, so good? Yes? Car batteries are magic devices. They work in 130 degree weather or -20 degree weather. They take vibrations and g-forces as cars turn and a few more other thing too complex for a normal conversation. Therefore, after so many years and so many start cycles, one or more of the cells, typically the closest to the positive and negative poles, fail. The battery will test to 12 volts but the amperage is very low. While the average life cycle of new batteries can be five to six years, they can fail at any time. Mr. Dean, if the battery is not providing enough electrons to power up the electrical system of the vehicle and when engaged, the electric motor known as the starter, then, the service life of the battery has been reached. The evidence is clear. Now, to be all encompassing, at times there are electrical issues that can drain a battery. Since kids with cars, specially males, wish to turn their four wheels into concert auditoriums, the installation, often improperly, of audio components that demand more electrons than what the alternator can send, will cause the battery to fail. IF there are no other issues then all you do is go and buy a new battery, a reputable brand one, not from Walmart, with enough cranking power for the vehicle and replace, and recycle, the dead one. Very simple as to the principle. Much like a flat tire. You do not ask why it went flat. You replace or repair it. Agreed? Therefore, this ends my presentation. Off you go to buy a new battery. And please, avoid Slanglish and write well and correctly. It shall serve you must better than the alternative.

Check the oscillation adjustment screw on the bendix

If the battery is shot, you can charge it till the cows come home; no start. You need to start there. Check to make sure terminals are clean and tight at connection points. I'd get the battery tested for a start; then the charging system. Last may be an short somewhere outside the charging system.