When should I change my transmission fluid?

When should I change my transmission fluid? - 1

Added (1). I have a 2013 Honda civic Lx and some people say I should change it at 80,000 miles and some every 30k. I currently have 27k miles driven. I was reading the owners manual and it only specifies what type of transmission fluid I need to use and how much should be put in.

Added (2). BTW my car is an automatic transmission 1.8L engine.

Most manufacturers recommend that manual transmission fluid be changed every 30,000 to 60,000 miles. Under heavy-duty use, some manufacturers suggest changing transmission fluid every 15,000 miles. Automatic: Service intervals for an automatic transmission vary from every 30,000 miles

As per the service schedule indicated for your vehicle. If you do towing, change more frequently, and if the vehicle is used severely like fleet vehicles or taxis, delivery cars, etc. Do it even more frequently than the towing schedule.

The maintenance schedule in the manual DOES list a recommended interval to change the transmission fluid.