Why does my 94 honda civic over heat but the oil light comes on there's no leaks any where?

My radiator over heats the hoes swells but there's no leaks no smoke coming from anywhere the water in the radiator bubbles up when I take the cap off I even put some stuff in it to help cool it down didn't work. I checked the oil looks fine no werid color to it at all. Its no really over heating the engine is hotter then what its suppose to be

It could be any of the following: Radiator cap, Clogged up radiator, Thermostat, water pump, cooling fan(s), head gasket, restricted cooling passages in cylinder head or engine block etc. Look at these videos to show how to check and repair:

Cooling system pressure test: To find out if external or internal coolant leak:

Engine thermostat:

Make it short, see my answer to another member with a 96 Civic overheating problem:

About the engine oil light it could be as simple as the oil pressure switch or it could be low oil pressure. Down load a repair manual at this link (Free) will show you how to repair everything step by step: This is a Factory Service/ Repair Manual (FSM):

Hope it help. E mail if you have any question. Hth

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