Why does my car gas meter goes up and down?

The gas meter of my 2013 honda civic foes up and down i don't know why if it's only 7 months old is it normal? I took it the dealer they told me i have to take it when it happens but how thats impossible? What should i do

See if your Honda matches my Honda…
On mine the fuel gauge goes down a bit when I accelerate and/or when I take left turns. The gauge goes the opposite direction when I make the opposite maneuvers.

If that is what is happening to yours it's probably normal.

It's due to fuel slosh or movement in tank. Not all cars have 'anti-slosh modules' or 'damped' fuel gauge systems. Most don't.

If that is not what is happening in your case, ignore this message…

The dealer is correct. They can't diagnose a problem if there's no problem for them to see ( that's why intermittent issues are usually the toughest to solve… The problem seemingly always goes away while the car is at the shop ).