Why does my car rattle when taking from 0mph and/or when driving up a hill?

I drive a 2004 Honda Civic Hybrid, currently pushing 164,000miles and running on 87 octane. Oil change up-to-date, no "Check Engine" light, no "Maintenance Required" light and no smoking or smell.

Rattles enough to where it distorts the reflection on my mirrors and is audible throughout the cabin. The car has very little torque as it is and it struggles to take off from a stationary position, whether it be on an uphill or flat road.

The car rattles because its struggling to take off or it struggles to take off because it rattles, I don't know, but if someone can help me out, that'd be great, thanks!

Change the fuel filter and ait filter before taking to a certified dealer

Check your engine mounts. But you may have other issues inside the engine, where a certified mechanic needs to look at the engine - may have problems with one or more valves, cylinders, spark, compression wires, etc. Insufficient information just related to engine noise without being present to look, listen or evaluate the possible causes.